Clay has been used for many purposes since ancient times and its use has widespread thanks to its medical and aesthetic power. Clay is formed by erosion of rock by wind and water and therefore contains a lot of oligo-elements and mineral salts. The curative properties of clay are: absorbent, relaxing, regeneration, refreshing, decongesting, purifying, antibiotic, protection and cleansing of the organism from excess radiation (radiography and computers, etc.) It is very effective against bacteria, digestive problems, ulcers, gas, etc. There are different colours of clay, depending of its composition: green, white, brown, red...
Everybody talks about Aloe Vera and you literally can buy it on each corner of the street, including in "bazaars" where they are on display between slippers and other "stuff". But there are major differences in Aloe Vera. These depend on the type of Aloe Vera plant, its maintenance during growth and - last but not least - the processing into the final product.
Fuerteventura offers the best conditions for the cultivation of Aloe Vera with supreme quality of the end product. But it takes time. It requires at least 4 years of irrigation before the plants starts to produce its valuable components in sufficient amounts.
The summer is without any doubt the most popular season of the year: sun, beach, strolling, holiday... and a lot of outside activities. To get a nice and uniform tan that stays for a long time, it is important to exfoliate and hydrate your skin with high-quality oils prior to exposure to the sun, to drink water sufficiently and to maintain your hair with good natural oils.
Eyelash Extensions & Thickening.
The extensions are of synthetic fibre and are semi-permanent. Their size and shape are adjusted in such a way that they appear being natural. They are applied one-by-one to achieve a natural and elegant look. Regular maintenance will result in a permanent effect.
Siesta - good for body and mind.
A lot has been written and said already about the “little siesta” and its benefits and/or downsides. People who are not in favour of siesta claim that the siesta will be at the detriment of the quality of your night’s sleep whereas those in favour say that it will improve your awareness, creativity and productivity… provided that you do it the right way.
The juices are made from fruits that have been discovered recently in South America, Himalaya or in South East of Asia: Goji, Açai, Mangoston, Gurubeni, Noni, etc. They are filled with anti-oxidants and you only need a small daily dose to boost your health potential, due to their high concentration. They represent a juvenile treatment, bring vitality, energy and resistance against diseases.
E-smoking or Electr(on)ic smoking is a new way to quit smoking the traditional way and/or to keep enjoying the satisfaction of smoking, but without the evident dangers. The technology consists of 3 components: a battery, a cartridge and an atomizer. The atomizer uses electricity from the battery and creates super tiny particles of the products that are in the cartridge. The smoker inhales these particles which can have different tastes (tobacco, mint, apple, strawberry, etc) and gets the same feeling as if he/she would smoke a traditional cigarette.
The economics are positive too: you can save about 1.000,- euros per year when you smoke 1 pack of 20 per day. Many countries already allow it as an exception to the general ban on smoking in public areas.
When the winter comes, it is time to strengthen our body to avoid that the cold does not catch us unprepared. At all times it is better to prevent than to cure and there are a lot of natural products to help us:
It is called Primula oil and in spanish “Aceite de Onagra”. It contains a lot of Omega 6. The oil comes from pressed seeds from the Primula plant. The essential fatty acids in the oil stimulate our body to produce prostaglandins, which in turn are essential for the cell membranes of our body. The positive effects on our health are:
strengthening of our artery system, avoiding the formation of thrombosis, regulation of high blood pressure and reduction of cholesterol values.
What: Closed Meetings on Wed 10:15 to 11:45 and Sat 19:00 to 20:30. Where: Centro Cultural Caleta de Fuste (next to football pitch)
Tel.: 656 748 877
It is a good habit to regularly detox your body. You will get rid of toxins and fatty components that have accumulated due to years of incorrect nutrition and bad habits. Your immune system as well as your physical and mental activity will improve. Maple syrup can help you in this initiative.
Goji berries are dried fruits, similar to raisins, but with an intense red colour. They grow on bushes in the Himalaya valleys, in Tibet. They are famous in the Orient for their nutritive value and they have been used for a long time in the traditional Chinese medicine.
Salvia Hispanica is native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. It was cultivated by the Aztec and Maya in pre-Columbian times since 3500 years B.C, was highly valued and even offered to their gods. Chia seed is traditionally consumed in Mexico, the south-western United States, and South America, but is not widely known in Europe. In 2009, the European Union approved Chia seeds as a novel food.
Balancing your alkaline-acid level in your body.
The acid-alkaline level in a human body varies according to the tissue. The stomach contains acid, whereas the saliva is alkaline. The acid-alkaline level changes with the intake of food and beverage and its effect on blood and urine acidity due to excess of malnutrition can be measured.
SCIO means Scientific Conscious Interface Operations system. SCIO is a measuring system that connects to the human body and to the unconsciousness via an interface. Most of the body and mind processes run in the sub-consciousness domain. The human body consists of about 200 trillion body cells that have to be in balance. This requires a vast amount of information as well as steering mechanisms. In no way we could manage this amount of tasks in the conscious domain. These kinds of compensation mechanisms, damages, levels of exhaustion, faults etc that cannot be seen yet by clinical examination or that haven’t showed up yet as symptoms, can be made obvious with SCIO, under the condition that the sub-conscious does react.
In our previous article “The Real Material World” we invited the reader to get rid of “the conditioned consciousness” in order to be able to explore new ways to experience life. In this article, we will try to provide the reader some refreshing insights about our own body, its functioning and how to get in harmony with it.
Don’t allow your body to weaken, to get ill and to catch the “Flu”. Strengthen your defence system with 100% natural products that don’t show secondary effects. We recommend natural antibiotics like propoleo, grapefruit seed extract, colloidal silver…. You also can use medical plants like Equinacea, thyme, Uña de gato, Shiitake, Jalea Real, Vitamin C, etc. Mixtures of these are also available and they are stronger thanks to synergetic effects.