SCIO means Scientific Conscious Interface Operations system. SCIO is a measuring system that connects to the human body and to the unconsciousness via an interface. Most of the body and mind processes run in the sub-consciousness domain. The human body consists of about 200 trillion body cells that have to be in balance. This requires a vast amount of information as well as steering mechanisms. In no way we could manage this amount of tasks in the conscious domain. These kinds of compensation mechanisms, damages, levels of exhaustion, faults etc that cannot be seen yet by clinical examination or that haven’t showed up yet as symptoms, can be made obvious with SCIO, under the condition that the sub-conscious does react.
SCIO – a testing and therapeutic equipment.
On one side SCIO is a testing equipment. The results are a snapshot of the actual health state of the body with which one can deduct short- and middle term tendencies. But SCIO also is a therapeutic device that allows for a vast amount of therapeutic treatments: bio resonance, electro acupuncture, addition of curing information and – vibrations, testing of homeopathic medicine and their required potentials, activation of tissues and organs to allow their regeneration. Thanks to the SCIO Bio feedback all therapeutic data will be adjusted automatically and complete to your personal needs. A complete SCIO examination will be executed at the beginning. More data can be collected through special SCIO programs.
Therapeutic and application possibilities of the SCIO program: general health check, elimination of dysfunctions in the hormone, performance, sleep, learn and memory domain; treatment of psychic dysfunctions and illnesses; immune failures; chronic infections; ADS & ADHS; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; psychosomatic diseases; personal development; increase of consciousness; improvement of creativity and brain activity; treatment of traumas; etc
Source: Dr. Albin Perz, Allgemeinmediziner, SCIO Arzt, IMUNE Repräsentant Österreich und Deutschland