
“Cradle-to-Cradle” cuisine: Sustainable C-2-C cooking.

How "waste" becomes something "fine".

From the "waste" that some hobby cooks and everyday cooks produce during the preparation of food, one could easily conjure up entire menus. Apparently, thriftiness has so far avoided the kitchen. Quite apart from the fact that wastefulness of food is simply out in times of "organic" and sustainability.

La Folie des Délices: Macaron de Gofio

folie-sr30-3Philippe Laurent, business owner at La Folie des Délices in Corralejo, presents his new creation: the Macaron Gofio, a meringue shell with Gofio and filled with Gofio and Truffe de Lait (Milk Truffle). Philippe builds on 3 generations of pastry making which has resulted in this new member of the Macaron Parisien, two shells that are combined with any kind of tasty filling. The key to a maximum culinary experience is quality of the products, know-how and freshness.

Recipes Fuerteventura: Baked Baby Goat - Cabrito Asado.

Typical Recipe from Fuerteventura: Baked Baby Goat (Cabrito Asado).

A tasteful dish, easy to prepare and a culinary souvenir about Fuerteventura.

cabritoasadoweb2Ingredients (4p)

- 4 table spoons olive oil
- 3 garlic cloves
- 6 threads of Safron
- 2,5 kg of baby goat
- 2 onions
- 2 lemons
- 90 grams of butter
- 4 potatoes
- A snif of salt
- 0,2L of white wine




Remove excess fat and organs from the baby goat. Mash the garlic and mix it with salt, white wine, saffron and lemon juice in a bowl. Apply this mixture into the baby goat and allow to marinate for a full day. Afterwards, remove the marinade (but keep it) and cook the meat in a tub with onions, olive oil and butter until golden brown. Then place the meat in an oven tub, add the marinade and the coarsely sliced potatoes.
Leave in the oven for an hour at 180ºC.

Recipes Fuerteventura: Marinated Baby Goat - Cabrito en Adobo.

Typical Recipe from Fuerteventura: Marinated Baby Goat (Cabrito en Adobo).

Cabrito en adobo, a dish with medium difficulty that will be ready in 1,5 hours and that will be truly enjoyed by your guests.

cabritoadoboweb2Ingredients (4p):

• 1 kilo of Baby goat
• White wine, 4 cups
• Coarse salt, 1 tablespoon
• Garlic, 4 cloves
• Oregano, to taste
• Cumin, to taste
• Chili Pepper, to taste
• Bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons
• Vinegar, 1 tablespoon
• Bay leaf, 2 pieces
• Thyme, to taste
• Sweet paprika, 1 tablespoon
• Olive oil, 6 tablespoons
• Onion, 2 units



To prepare the marinade, mash the garlic, coarse salt, a little oregano, cumin, chili, breadcrumbs soaked in vinegar and a piece of previously fried goat liver in a mortar.
After having washed the meat, cut it and dry it with paper towels. Smear the pieces of meat with the marinade and place it in a deep kettle, then add the bay leaf and thyme and pour the wine. Leave in the fridge for 24 hours to allow the flavors to mix and to impregnate the meat. Then, take out the meat and keep the broth. Fry the meat and keep it in a saucepan.
Fry the onions in the same oil till golden brown, add the broth and boil up. The only thing left is to add this broth to the meat, head for the table and enjoy this tasty dish.
Posted by Ewina Sama

Recipes - Fuerteventura: Mixed Butters.

Fuerteventura Recipes: Mixed Butters.

photo-webFor all recipes: take the butter out of the fridge at least 1 hour before start.

Tomato Butter

250g Butter
15g Dried tomatoes
3 Cloves of garlic, peeled
3 Black olives, without stone
1 Teaspoonful Tomato paste

Tomatoes, garlic and olives have to be chopped, very fine. Put all into a bowl and mix together with tomato paste and butter. Add salt to your taste. Very tasty on any type of bread with Jamón Serrano.

Thai Sauce with 3 flavours. (4p)


- 200g Palm sugar or brown sugar,

- 30g fresh coriander,

- 1 piece of cinnamon

- 100g ginger,

- 3 garlic cloves,

- 1 medium-hot chilli,

- 4 table spoons Thai Fish sauce

- 1 sliced orange,

- 1/2 litre orange juice



Put the sugar in a medium-sized saucepan and let it caramelise above a medium heat. Add the orange juice and warm up. Add the other ingredients and reduce the heat till the liquid has a good consistency for a sauce. Season the liquid with extra Thai Fish sauce to your own taste.

This sauce can be added to dishes with fish, pork or chicken. Use Basmati rice as a side dish. Enjoy your food!


Note: Anibal has a cosy restaurant with the same name in Corralejo, close to the Hiperdino supermarket, where he serves a collection of freshly-made tapas at bargain prices: 10€ pp for all-you-can-eat. Opposite the surf shop PARADISE.


Recipes Fuerteventura: Salmon Galileo

Infusion_035Salmone Galileo


Ricotta cheese 250g

Sliced Smoked Salmon 200g

1 tomato deseeded and diced

½ small red onion diced

Fresh juice ½ Lemon

Salt and ground black pepper

Fresh chives for garnish

Recipes Fuerteventura: Festive Menu (4p)

Avocado-GambasFor the upcoming festive period we decided to try out a full menu that is very tasteful but not too demanding, neither on the person behind the pans nor on your bank account.

Recipes Fuerteventura: Cabbage Wraps with meat and potato medallions "Arco Iris" (6p)

Kohlrolladen-007cutIngredients - Wraps:

12 large White Cabbage leaves
500g minced meat2 eggs
20g breadcrumbs
1 bunch parsley
1 large tomato
200g Goat cheese (Tierno)
25g Goat cheese (Curado)
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
1 Teaspoon Mustard
1/8L Vegetable broth
1/8L Milk

(alternatively make up Bechamel sauce to a pouring consistency)

Recipes Fuerteventura: Bonito/Tuna with tuno sauce

Thu-006Bonito/Tuna with tuno (Opuntia) sauce and fennel puree (4 servings).

Recipes Fuerteventura: Potato Medallions (4 people)

potatomedallionA very simple way of using up leftovers or serving tasty potato mixes, combined with an egg.




Recipes Fuerteventura: Sauce “Irene”

DSCF1134This sauce is an easy-to-make one that fits very well to different kinds of dishes: just with pasta, with white fish or poultry, or as basis for vegetarian food. It also may be used as sauce for the more festive “Lobster dishes”.

Recipes Fuerteventura: Smoothy “Tender”, a refreshing mix of fruits and vegetables


1 carrot

3 small apricots without the stone

½ tomato

1 chunk of celery (100g)

½ banana

300g watermelon without seeds

Mix for 1 min. and then add 1 spoon of olive oil and 100ml milk. Mix for 15 sec. Ready.

Recipes Fuerteventura: Boretti ¨Da Vinci¨

Grill recipe, especially created for “Spirit of Fuerteventura” !
Brochette with garlic butter ( 4 people)

Recipes Fuerteventura: Gazpacho


Easy and fool-proof recipe for Gazpacho.

Gazpacho is cold soup that mainly consists of mixed raw vegetables. It therefore offers a multitude of fibres, vitamins and minerals. And it is quick and easy to make. It only takes 15 mins and the only tools that you need are a knife and a blender or a mixer. This recipe serves 4 people.