When the winter comes, it is time to strengthen our body to avoid that the cold does not catch us unprepared. At all times it is better to prevent than to cure and there are a lot of natural products to help us:
Propolis: potent natural antibiotic with a lot of curative properties when you have fever, a cough, the flu, etc. Strengthens your defence system and also is an anti-oxidant,
Equinacea: helps to cure respiratory infections, stimulates the immune system and is anti-inflammatory,
Royal jelly: contains many vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Anybody from kids to elderly can take this to avoid nutritional deficiencies,
Ginseng, Guarana and other medicinal plants to compensate lack of energy,
Colloidal Silver and extract from the grapefruit seeds are natural antibiotics.
When Christmas time is over, it is recommendable to use good cleansers and detoxifiers to eliminate the excess food, accumulated fat and all liquid and toxins in general.
For more info, please contact Montse (Naturopathologist, teacher in natural and energetic foods and master in Reiki) of the Herbolario Pachamama (928 537 604).