Advice for a nice summer...

... and preparation for autumn:

- Keep your body well hydrated, from the inside as well as from the outside by drinking plenty of water. Use medical plants like Dandelion Flower, Horseflower, Milk Thistle and others to clean your body at the same time,

- To achieve a good internal skin hydration use the Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils that also will help you to avoid problems with blood circulation, cholesterol, bones, memory, etc.. For external use Aloe Vera, Calendula Oil, Rose Musk, Argán, Evening Primrose Oil, etc are highly recommendable. If you have a very dry skin, then use Jojoba, Avocado, or Coconut oil,

- Take additives like natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, selenium, Noni juice, etc,

- Don’t exaggerate on ice cream, sweet soft drinks, lactose, etc because they tend to reduce our defence system and in autumn you will be more sensitive to colds. Take integral cereals and a lot of vegetables.

- When autumn comes, take a break from food for a couple of days and drink Syrup of Acer, juices and infusions to reduce fat content and to clean the body and the mind.