Recipes Fuerteventura: Potato Medallions (4 people)

potatomedallionA very simple way of using up leftovers or serving tasty potato mixes, combined with an egg.





1Kg cooked potatoes (4 big ones and cooked the previous day)

1 medium-sized onion (about 100g)

200gm bacon or 200 gm smoked salmon, or 200gm half-cooked mix of leek and celery

Good bunch of parsley (according to taste)


Olive Oil


Mash the potatoes coarsely. Cook the bacon (or other combinations) together with the onions and the parsley. Allow to cool, scoop out of the pan and add to the mashed potatoes in a large pan. Stir it well and form medallions with your hands. Lay the medallions into the breadcrumbs to coat them. Heat the olive oil in a pan to medium heat and add the medallions for 10 minutes on each side.

For each portion, serve with an egg, sunny side up.