Recipes Fuerteventura: Marinated Baby Goat - Cabrito en Adobo.

Typical Recipe from Fuerteventura: Marinated Baby Goat (Cabrito en Adobo).

Cabrito en adobo, a dish with medium difficulty that will be ready in 1,5 hours and that will be truly enjoyed by your guests.

cabritoadoboweb2Ingredients (4p):

• 1 kilo of Baby goat
• White wine, 4 cups
• Coarse salt, 1 tablespoon
• Garlic, 4 cloves
• Oregano, to taste
• Cumin, to taste
• Chili Pepper, to taste
• Bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons
• Vinegar, 1 tablespoon
• Bay leaf, 2 pieces
• Thyme, to taste
• Sweet paprika, 1 tablespoon
• Olive oil, 6 tablespoons
• Onion, 2 units



To prepare the marinade, mash the garlic, coarse salt, a little oregano, cumin, chili, breadcrumbs soaked in vinegar and a piece of previously fried goat liver in a mortar.
After having washed the meat, cut it and dry it with paper towels. Smear the pieces of meat with the marinade and place it in a deep kettle, then add the bay leaf and thyme and pour the wine. Leave in the fridge for 24 hours to allow the flavors to mix and to impregnate the meat. Then, take out the meat and keep the broth. Fry the meat and keep it in a saucepan.
Fry the onions in the same oil till golden brown, add the broth and boil up. The only thing left is to add this broth to the meat, head for the table and enjoy this tasty dish.
Posted by Ewina Sama