Special Books: "THE SEVENTH BUSH: 2101 A.D." by Andreas Meyer

acm7busha satirical thriller (English).

By A.C. Meyer & Douglas Baumwoll - 266p - €: 17,99

Anno 2101. The 60th president of the U.S. and his government are ruling the overheated planet from the undergrounds of Las Vegas. But their power is challenged by strong competitors: a breed of special women, headed by Nitra Khan. Bush will take whatever is needed to keep his position, but he and his mates will be in for a nice surprise.A few copies are directly available on Fuerteventura at a promotion price of 10,-€ only!

Contact: A.C. Meyer (928 537 412)
Comment from Spirit:
after a few pages of accommodation to the strange world of 2101, Bush and the strange women, the book reads well and the plot is intriguing, even funny. Something different, but pleasing.