Murphy B Good - Freedom and Connection by Music...
Murphy's exploration to music starts at the age of 5 with his first guitar. Already at that age he sensed a feeling that he later recognised as truly freedom - of mind and emotions. His curiosity guided him into a journey to develop his own perception and expression of emotions through the music. The ability to listen is crucial to him and his creativity. His music is very recognisable and has much to do with a jazzy chilling out and relaxing with a funky touch. His influences are Miles Davis, Jimmy Hendrix, Prince, Johnny Guitar Watson and many more.
Murphy B Good lives his dream and is starting to record his new music about a life by the sea and the beautiful spirit of Fuerteventura at a local studio. Life is energy and full of love & music - anybody is welcome to connect to it and to participate in this with him - we are all brothers and sisters, born to learn to love. Murphy has performed in many parts of the world around the old continent, Africa and North America.
You can enjoy Murphy on Sun, Tue & Fri at the Galera Beach Bar (map I 12) from 15h, on Thu in Caraguapa (map H13) from 21h and on Sat in Blanco Café (map H21) from 21h.