A children’s perception about love…

When people fall in love they want to see a lot of movies…because they can sit together in the dark. (Sheley, 8)

When people fall in love with each other then they kiss and when you kiss for the first time you faint… surely for at least one hour. (Wendy, 8)

Yesterday, I kissed a girl on a very particular spot: behind a tree. (Thomas, 7)

I do not want to fall in love, per-sé. Fourth grade is already difficult enough. (Annie, 10)

Falling in love? I heard that it has something to do with smell and therefore everybody buys so much perfume. (Laura, 9)

When you fall in love you‘re struck by an arrow or something. But the rest doesn’t hurt anymore. (Manuel, 8)

To form a good couple you have to be able to fill out a cheque because when you marry you have to pay your own bills. (Ava, 8)

To form a good couple you always have to be happy, also when he snores. (Wynne, 7)

You can make someone to love you by shaking your hips. And the rest comes as such. (Camille, 9)

You can make someone to love you by shouting hard “I love you, I love you” and you shouldn’t be bothered that her parents hear this. (Nicholas, 8)

When two adults go out for dinner and they keep on looking at each other whilst their food gets cold, then they are in love. Other people want to eat warm food. (Jelle, 8)

When a man has lipstick on his face he must be in love. (Sarah, 7)

When a couple orders this dessert that is on fire then they are in love. They order this because their hearts also are on fire. (Charlotte, 9)

If you want that love continues, then you never forget the name of your wife, because she becomes angry then. (Nicholas, 8)

If you want that love continues, then you have to learn to kiss very well. Your wife might then forget that you never put the garbage bags outside. (Dave, 8)

People kiss because it makes you hot. So, it’s very nice to kiss in the winter. (Daphne, 8)