Micro-immune therapy (MIT) - a bridge between complementary and conventional medicine of the 21st century.
The MIT uses highly diluted immune specific substances - which are common to our own body - like Cytokines and specific nucleic acids, etc to communicate specific information to our immune system. In this way a defective immune system will be allowed to react efficiently and in a natural way upon a deficiency.
MIT not only is an innovative, side-effect-free therapy concept for partly complex diseases, but also provides a new perspective into the knowledge about patho-psychologic links between certain kinds of diseases. The well-defined interpretation of specified lab parameters according to the latest findings in immunology helps the diagnosis and the healing control.
The MIT will target investigations about the actual immune status (population of lymphocytes, serum profile), fix the direction of the medical treatment and control its progress for many chronic diseases like infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites; neuro-degenerative and hyper-proliferative diseases (tumors); as well as auto-immune diseases like rheumatics, LE (Lupus Erythematodes), CU (Colitis ulcerosa), MC (Morbus Crohn), Psorias, and on allergenic and a-topic diseases (Neuro-dermatitis, a-topic eczema, Bronchial asthma.
Like the classic immune therapy the MIT is using the same communication channels as our immune system (IS). However, unlike the classic immune therapy, MIT did not show any side-effects so far. This is due to the natural cascade-like administration of highly diluted immune competent substances like Interferon and Interleukins. By this process of administration one can re-activate and correct the natural cascade-like bio reactions of the immune system.
MIT has been developed in the 30's of the last century by the Belgian doctor Maurice Jenaer (at that time the President of the Royal Belgian Community of Homeopathy). His idea was to use the concept of homeopathic dilutions and succucions (shaking) on unspecific Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA) and use these as basic information for cell systems in order to support the general wellbeing of tumour patients. The surprisingly very positive results of this treatment confirmed his idea that immune-competent substances in homeopathic administration did have a "regulating influence" on the malfunctioning IS. Many scientific facts gave a sound foundation to his idea:
1. the effectiveness of highly diluted doses of messenger and other chemicals of the classic immunology
2. the high presence of lymphatic structures and of immune-competent cells (Langerhans, antigene-presenting cells, dendritic cells, monocytic cells and cytotoxic killercells) as well as in mucous systems of the upper respiration area (mouth-throat area).
Thanks to the vast developments in the area of fundamental biologic research, the physiology of immune reactions, and the immunology through the discovery of the Cytokines, MIT quickly gained popularity. The highly diluted Cytokines which are produced by the recombinant-gene technology and which are being administered sublingual, have 3 effects:
1. activation of local immune reactions,
2. information transfer towards the direct body environment through the lymphatic system,
3. activation of the JERNE-network - the dynamic system of all defence cells and their producing and hosting organs, as well as the entire lymphatic system - by the Cytokines which act as anti-genes.
The fine-tuning of the effect of MIT based substances is done by the well-known principle of dilution stages according to "Arndt-Schulz" (Mechanisms - pt.3)
The application of different dilution levels will activate, modulate or restrain the functions of the IS, depending on the diseases. It is the central concept of re-installing the functioning of our immune system.
Additional to the Cytokines, MIT adds another kind of effective substance in a highly diluted form: the "Specific Nucleic Acid" or SNA (R)
- SNA(R) has initially been developed by Dr. Bernhard Marichal and nowadays managed by Dr. Gilbert Glady
- SNA(R) are synthetic oligonucleotides, derived from DNA and RNA
- SNA(R) are a tiny part of a gene
- SNA(R) can, depending on their dilution level, inhibit the growth of body-own or alien aggressors
- SNA(R) can correct, depending on their dilution level and through the influence on a human gene, a situation of hyper- or hypo-reactivity of the immune system
- SNA(R) are very specific for the immune-cell physiology and for the disease causing pathogen
- each disease is treated with a specific recipe of SNA(R)
The 7 basic mechanisms of MIT:
1. Use of Cytokines, receptors, TRF (T-cell replacement factors)
2. Use of micro doses
3. Use of dilution modulation
4. Use of multi-level approach
5. Use of information sequencing
6. Use of Specific Nucleic Acids SNA(R)
7. Absorption by the Lymphatic system
1. Cytokines.
- are proteins which are responsible for the communication between IS cells
- are coordinating the cascade of the immune reaction
- most important Cytokines are:
- Interferon
- Interleukin
- Tumor-necrose factor members
- Hematopoietic Growth factors
- Other Growth factors
- Chemokin
- origin of Cytokines:
- Bio-technologic production
- Recombinant production from DNA
- Free from biologic (animal) origin
2. Micro doses.
- natural dilution steps, close to the "physiologic area"
- no known toxic side-effects
3. Dilution modulation.
- The Arndt-Schultz" law is basis to the reversion of effect:
- Stimulation needs a low dilution
- Modulation needs a medium dilution
- Restraining needs a high dilution
- more than 200 years of experience
4. Multi-level approach.
- simultaneous treatment of different immune diseases
- use of specific immune actors
- Multi-level approach like:
- modulation of a cellular response
- stimulation or blocking of the production of Cyto-toxic substances
- modulation of the production of Cytokines
5. Sequential Information transfer.
- timeframe based information transfer
- imitation of the natural biologic processes
6. SNA(R).
there are 2 types:
1. against body alien actors: targeting on vital proteins of a virus
2. against body-own actors: targeting on inhibition of copying from pathogen part of DNA or RNA
7. Absorption by the Lymphatic system.
Sublingual administering the medicine creates a direct contact with the immune system, which additionally is enhanced by the JERNE-Network. This kind of absorption allows for an optimal transfer of the information to the lymphatic system and creates the basis for the effectiveness of MIT.
1. MIT targets a general and focused non-toxic effect to help the immune system to return to its full potential. The effectiveness is based on the 7 basic mechanisms
2. MIT is not replacing the immune system; neither will it force the IS into a direction or block it. MIT transfers information in a gentle and subtle way.
3. MIT is synergistically compatible with other therapies. MIT builds bridges between complementary and conventional therapies and combines the best of both.
4. If information is the most important raw material of the 21st century, then one can declare the MIT with its information transfer technology as the medicine of the 21st century.
5. MIT transfers information through highly diluted immune substances to stimulate, modulate or restrain immune reactions and thus speaks the same language as our immune system.
Martina Hübner (certified Osteopath, Naturopath, Micro-immune Therapist)