Dieter Noss' bear art book contains wonderful art quotations from the great masters and in some of their famous works of art, from Picasso to Keith Heering, he has lovingly and harmoniously integrated his favourite animal - the bear.
"111 Orte auf Lanzarote, die man gesehen haben muss." - by Carl Lang – Emons Verlag GmbH
A tastefully presented and loosely written travel companion which guides you to some less known but all the more interesting corners of Lanzarote, spiced with their anecdotes and "petites histoires". In German.
The Timple is a little guitar with 5 strings and is regarded to be the most representative musical instrument of the folklore in the Canaries.
Coffee roasting Shop and Bistro.
For those who would like to learn about something tasty during their vacation, there is the possibility to visit the coffee roasting shop "Kapè". Here, coffee beans, coming from the best coffee growing countries (9) from Central and South America, Africa, India and Asia are roasted in front of you. Get some interesting facts about their origin and history, and about roasting times and temperatures of these green-brown beauties.
Finca Verdeaurora.
On the Finca Verdeaurora we are committed to ecology since 7 years, the moment that Luis Mesa – the owner – decided to plant 400 olive trees with the goal to become the first producer of ecological olive oil of Fuerteventura. This oil stands out by its exquisite taste and aroma, thanks to our full control of the entire process: care taking of the trees and their fruits, harvesting, processing (we have an ecology-certified press), and the bottling. We have the European and Canarian certificates for ecologic farming.
Since a couple of years local farmers have started to grow olives with the goal to convert them into first grade olive oil. A first pressing resulted in a very high-quality oil with exceptional characteristics and an acidity level between 0,2 and 0,4%.
"La Apañada" is the collection by the herds of all free roaming goats on Fuerteventura to a central point in order to return them to the rightful owner. The practice of letting the animals run freely is part of the local folklore, but although it looks like a disorganised "letting-go", it is much controlled by the Fuerteventura Agricultural Department.
Lucha Canaria is a special type of wrestling that has been on the islands since ancient times. It is a heritage from the Guanches, the original inhabitants of the Canaries. The first written reference to the sport was made in the 1400's in a chronicle that treated the visit of conquered Guanches to the King Juan II of Castilla in mainland Spain.
BLACKOUT – Morgen ist es zu spät ist ein Techno-Thriller von Marc Elsberg, der in näherer Zukunft und hauptsächlich in Europa spielt. Der Roman erzählt über die katastrophalen Auswirkungen eines großflächigen Stromausfalls in Europa.
Obwohl ich "Techno-Thriller" geschrieben habe, ist der "Techno"teil realistisch, nicht übertrieben, überschaubar und dient zur Hintergrundinfo um die Handlungen besser zu verstehen. Dieses Buch ist also auch für Leser "die es nicht so mit Technik haben" weil Elsberg die Kunst versteht das technische an den absolut hinreisenden Handlungen unterzuordnen. Sowohl Männer als Frauen in meiner Umgebung haben dieses Buch mit extrem viel Mühe hinlegen müssen; sonnst gäbe es schlaflose Nächte. Einfach ein Muss! (Spiegel Bestseller)
Preis: 10 – 12 USD
James Kynge, a journalist in Asia for two decades and the former bureau chief of the Financial Times in Beijing, provides an intriguing view on the origin and dynamics of the recent economic developments in modern China. At the end of the book you will have a far better understanding of what is called "Emerging Markets" and more specifically "Modern China". It also sheds light on the cause of what we call today "The biggest crisis of the Western World since WW2". This book should be read by all college students... and their parents.
In English
Price: 10 – 12 USD
Genussvoll und stressfrei abnehmen mit 4 Diättage pro Woche und das Optimalgewicht dauerhaft halten bei nur 3 Diättage pro Woche. An diätfreien Tagen darf man sogar schlemmern! Einhaltung dieser Diät vermeidet auch das bekannte und gefürchte Jo-Jo Effekt; man behaltet sein Optimalgewicht. Ein Ernährungssystem, das ohne Frust eine gesunde und nachhaltige Gewichtsreduzierung bei voller Leistungsfähigkeit ermöglicht.
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Preis: Ebook: 5,00 Euro
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Una simpática novela que narra las aventuras y desventuras de un leonés de pueblo que nunca ha salido de su comarca, y al que un amigo convence para hacer sólo su primer viaje al extranjero, y no a cualquier ciudad, sino a Bangkok.
A través de las páginas iremos conociendo a un Lolo que sin necesidad de conocer idiomas, pero sí con una personalidad de muchos recursos, llega tras un accidentado viaje (que arranca al lector un par de buenas carcajadas), a esta tan desconocida ciudad para él, y donde conocerá a un grupo de sordomudos tailandeses con los que entablará una bonita amistad y que le irán aconsejando qué visitar en esta carismática ciudad. Un recorrido por su cultura, su gastronomía, sus gentes (muchas de ellas honradas y otras algo más picarescas) que nos mostrará que esta ciudad de contrastes, de la que nadie que la haya visitado se ha podido olvidar, puede ofrecer mucho más que su tristemente conocido turismo sexual.
(solo en español)
Papel: 15,-€
Ebook: 5,00€
Depending on the consulted source of information, lace was introduced to the Canary Islands in the 19th century from mainland Spain or from Madeira. Before commercialisation by English entrepreneurs, making lace on Fuerteventura was a domestic activity. It soon became famous for its quality and the export to the UK and USA was booming during 1890 - 1910. Export to Germany and France followed soon. Main areas of production on Fuerteventura were Lajares, La Oliva and Betancuria. The materials that were used are linen, batiste, silk and poplin, depending on the final product.
A Goat Story.
Whenever you decide to discover the beautiful spots on this island, whether it is on the shore or inland, you may have a reasonable chance to encounter free-walking goats, in herds or alone, searching for the scarce vegetation that represents their daily meal. You might then think of these creatures that they "just fill in the local picture" and – if you are lucky – you might be able to take some nice pictures of them for at home. But do you realise that these animals were fundamental in the development of Fuerteventura and even to the development of mankind in general? No? Well let me tell you a bit "Goaty Stuff"...
Tomatoes were cultivated on industrial level as from 1927, mainly around Antigua and Tiscamanita. The tomatoes from this island are considered to among the most flavoursome in Europe and used in many renowned restaurants on the continent.
The name “Denominación de origen Queso Majorero” is protected by the Spanish State in 16-05-1996 and by the European Union since 20-02-1999 and applies to the types of cheese that are made of goat milk and in a specified artisan way. The “Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Queso Majorero”, part of the “Gobierno de Canarias” is constantly monitoring the quality of the listed products.
a satirical thriller (English).
By A.C. Meyer & Douglas Baumwoll - 266p - €: 17,99
Anno 2101. The 60th president of the U.S. and his government are ruling the overheated planet from the undergrounds of Las Vegas. But their power is challenged by strong competitors: a breed of special women, headed by Nitra Khan. Bush will take whatever is needed to keep his position, but he and his mates will be in for a nice surprise.A few copies are directly available on Fuerteventura at a promotion price of 10,-€ only!
Contact: A.C. Meyer (928 537 412)
Comment from Spirit: after a few pages of accommodation to the strange world of 2101, Bush and the strange women, the book reads well and the plot is intriguing, even funny. Something different, but pleasing.

During his journey “to home” he experiences the most magnificent moments with seven different kinds of energy that allow him to discover the mysteries of life and of his own being… till he reaches the last stage…Home. The story about Michael’s quest is so extraordinary, so full of humour and so touching that it truly is highly recommendable. Info: