Spirit of Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine

festivalnvivo2010web (109)It is the first Festival of its kind in Corralejo with a successful combination of crafts, games, education, acrobatics, music and food & drinks.

The event started slowly due to the very high temperatures, but once it cooled down, the initiative enjoyed a great success. Amongst all the fun for kids and adults, some highlights to mention were the donkey ride, the acrobatics (ACRO-D-ARTE) with breathtaking moves, the flamethrowers (A.C. Fuertemovimiento) and Le Caravan (Manouche). The latter performance really got the public so hysteric that they wouldn’t be allowed to stop playing. Especially the bluesy violin solo at the end got the audience in trance.

In short, it’s a truly excellent concept that merits a sequence. Just be there next time! {slide=Slideshow- click to open/close}

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