Spirit of Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
The hotel Blue Bay was the host for a Blues Jam Session that started with the Blues Riders, but soon became a sparkling cocktail with members from other bands: Down Home, Tim Lothar, Wentus Blues Band, etc. Everything you need to build a smashing party… and it was one; these pictures don’t lie…
Pictures: © Spirit of Fuerteventura.
“Le Caravan” played finest Blues tunes with a gipsy “Manouche” touch that was very much liked by the public. Sweeping rhythms, thrilling tunes, dance and a voice that makes you shiver.
The combination of acoustic guitar, brass, accordion, violin and vocals made it an unforgettable experience. The pictures speak for themselves…
Pictures © Spirit of Fuerteventura.