Spirit of Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
After the NURU KANE TRIO show at the Auditorio on Thursday, some musicians of the LE CARAVAN group performed at the BB Jazz Club, behind the Atlantico Shopping Centre. The club and the street were packed with a lively audience.
Pictures: © Spirit of Fuerteventura.
“Le Caravan” played finest Blues tunes with a gipsy “Manouche” touch that was very much liked by the public. Sweeping rhythms, thrilling tunes, dance and a voice that makes you shiver.
The combination of acoustic guitar, brass, accordion, violin and vocals made it an unforgettable experience. The pictures speak for themselves…
Pictures © Spirit of Fuerteventura.