Spirit of Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine
- First I would like to inform you that as from 2013 the magazine “Spirit of Fuerteventura ®” will be issued every 6 months, but with even more practical information and interesting articles – about the island or from abroad. Issue times are May-Oct and Nov-Apr. Distribution points will stay the same.
- Second I would like to present our new development in print on which we have been working since end of last year: “BiDi-Fuerteventura ®”. It is a foldable guide that covers the North and the South in two separate issues and that is built around a new but increasingly popular information system: the scanning of QR codes by mobiles or tablets to connect to dedicated web pages. More technical details on the next pages. “BiDi-Fuerteventura ®” focuses on compressed printed and multilingual info, connection to the web and a wider distribution thanks to a higher amount of copies.
The magazine Spirit of Fuerteventura ® and the folder BiDi-Fuerteventura ® are thus each others complement: the magazine provides articles and in-depth island info and the folder is an easy & handy-to-take-away holiday companion.
- Third I would like to introduce a newcomer in our family: the Spirit of Fuerteventura Hiking & Biking platform of Spirit which will dedicate itself to providing complete and useful information about where, when and how to discover this lovely island in the best way: by feet or by bike. There will be articles about Walking/Biking in each issue of Spirit of Fuerteventura ® and the specially designed website will be providing all relevant info and state-of-the-art presentations. Have a look… and be astounded. More info on the next pages.
We will continue to provide interesting suggestions for getting more out of your well-deserved holiday: tasting local products, visiting local crafts people, participating in local events. The info about the latter activity can be found on Fuertebook, a website of one of our co-operators and truly informative. More info on the next pages.
I wish you a nice holiday and an enjoyable reading.