Spirit of Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura Travel Guide & Lifestyle Magazine

What Lanzarote already has since a couple of years, now could come to Fuerteventura: a perfect training island for extreme sports like triathlon, cross, bicycling and Marathon.

DSC_0201webThe biggest Triathlon happening worldwide - the Challenge Roth - was last July in Roth, near Nürnberg, Germany. Over 3.000 single participants and 600 relay-racers coming from 60 nations were listed, including two world records holders (Andreas Raelert GER 7:41:33h and Chrissie Wellington UK 8:18:13h). All were supported by over 200.000 enthusiastic spectators. It was at the same time also an enormous family happening with a lot of side-happenings and a major triathlon trade-show.


Recently Fuerteventura also received the Triathlon Challenge status - a unique opportunity to increase the profile of our island from a surfers paradise to a triathlon palace. Because one can train here all year long in contrary to the other triathlon training centres.


Besides Fuerteventura following locations are in the worldwide triathlon family: Wanaka (NS), Niederbronn-les-Bains and Vichy (FR), Barcelona (SP), Kopenhagen and Aarhus (DK), Kraichgau and Walchsee (A), Cairns (AUS), London (UK), Cape Town (SA).


Let's grab this unique opportunity and let us help this initiative to transform our beloved island from an all-inclusive place into a well-known Sport & Culture destination.

Agenda: Challenge Fuerteventura 2012 is planned for 14/04/2012